The Great Commission is the responsibility of each believer to carry out, and each church has a related responsibility to uniquely equip their church family to fulfill this call. The SNBA is ready to connect churches with partners around the globe to be on mission and to mobilize them with our Acts 1:8 strategy. Every church needs to be ready to be Christ's Ambassadors and GO:
HERE - Every church should develop strategies to reach their Jerusalem with the Good News of Jesus Christ. The SNBA continues to build conversation with and connects leaders to strategies to this process.
NEAR - Whether it's our local East Texas Baptist Encampment, Pregnancy Help Centers, Prison Ministries, etc; the SNBA unites churches with local ministry points to build connections and develop Gospel conversations.
THERE - Helping churches develop a heart for a people in need of the Gospel, whether across the US, into Mexico, or in prayer initiatives for an Unreached People Group, going THERE remains an association priority.
EVERYWHERE - Many churches see the need to mobilize outside North America, but don't have the contacts or experience to do so, the SNBA wants to help church families GO on mission to the uttermost!
Church planting, replanting and revitalization, and cultivating missions.
Connecting leaders and informing churches about our work and partnership.
Advancing area church leaders and creating programs that assist churches in training and discipleship.
Helping churches carry out the great commission by mobilizing people and resources around the world.